Date Range Slicer | Customize options
Sridevi Venkatesh
The dataset we are using doesn't really reach that far back for some of the options
We don't want clients playing with options that don't have data in them.
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Date range slicer | "Last week" should be from Sun to Sat
Mike Hopkins
I have created a widget called "Tech Hours for OT Calcs". This widget examines CW time entry records for technicians. There are multiple layers and we are filtering on the "date_start" field. Inside the Filter of the Widget we have great flexibility to choose, for example, "Current Week (Sun - Sat)". My ultimate goal is probably to send a report on Monday morning for "Last Week (Sun-Sat)" but the point is, it is nice to have the (Sun - Sat) option. When creating a slicer "CW Time Entry Date Slicer" for this widget and putting this widget on a dashboard ("Payroll Related") for our financial professional who will review I noticed that Current Week (Sun - Sat) nor Previous Week (Sun - Sat) are an option. It seems that the Date Ranges have Last Week (but it is Mon - Sun). The "Week-to-Date" dropdown option in the slicer appears to be Sun - Sat though. It would be nice to have the slicer dropdown incorporate "Last Week (Sun - Sat)" and maybe make "Week-to-Date" explicit to say "Sun - Sat" as well for clarity. Link to screenshot:
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Date Range Slicer | Add an option to select a different range of Week-to-Date and Last Week
Donato Martino
- Be able to select a different range such as Sun-Sat instead of manually selecting the Sun to Sat option in Custom Range
- For instance, the 'Last Weeks' option has a range of Mon-Sun. It would be great if we could have an option for other ranges as well, such as Sun-Sat or Sat-Fri, to cater to varying business schedules.
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Feature Request | Date Range slicer last 60 days and last 360 days
Jamie Mc Cann
Please add the following options to Date range slicer
Last 60 days
Last 365 Days
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Date Range Slicer | Add an option for last 6 months
Leon Black
I see that there are options like last 12 months and would like an option for last 6 months
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Slicer - Add a Date Range : Current Business Day
Gishor Thavakumar
I'm looking to add the current business days in current week as default business date range. Week to Date seems to be an ideal one, however, it is including the Sunday. It should be from the Current Week's Monday to Friday.