Enhance observabilities for SQL Agent
Currently if dataset depends on SQL Agent is stopping syncing data, the only option is to restart SQL Agent. This could be done by mspbots if SQL Agent is online.
However, if it goes offline, we have to ask customer to do that.
And we don't know why it goes offline and why cpu/memory usuage are climbing up to 90% or above.
It's difficult for customer and support team to find the root cause for this problem.
So we need to enhance SQL Agent to improve the obsservabilities.
From support perspective, below features are needed:
- standard hardware/software required by SQL Agent
- how much and how frequency data could be synced under standard hardware
- automatically circuit breaker for overloading to avoid offline
- automatically restart SQL Agent to work when workload is fall to threshold
- which dataset consumes the most resources from time serial
- time serial statistical data of resources consumed by SQL Agent
- cpu/memory/disk usage details of SQL Agent and the host
- bot/dashboard to show working status of SQL Agent
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